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AllDocs Reader

The document reader - all file viewer is exactly what you need! It can automatically scan and find a list of all documents on your phone, allowing you to quickly open, read, and manage your documents in one convenient place. All Document Reader and editor support ultra-fast reading files in all formats. The document reader for android supports multiple compatibilities with office viewer formats, including Word, DOC, XLSX, PPT, RTF, HTML, XML, Zip Files, and PDF Reader app.

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All Tools in One Place

AllDocs Reader - Tools converter

• Document reader is a fast and simple app to read Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF. By using the document reader app, you can edit all your documents on your Cell phone.

• Open office tasks notes and school lectures on your phone. Also, you can open your data sheets that are on XlS files and word documents, pdf files. All Documents Reader is a PDF viewer used to view all pdf files. Open any document with just one tap on open with document reader option. You can open documents stored on internal memory or SD cards. Also downloaded files or those sent as email attachments. Doc reader is quick and smooth way.

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Stories From Our Customers

Joshua M. Salas 5
Marketing Intelligence | Author & Content Creator

Spotlight and Shelf view is exceptional and spontaneous! And highly customizable tap system definitely is suited for mobiles. But zooming configuration is not what it should be. I want to tap so that it zooms immediately to certain level, not to see a zooming scale then set the level. I can easily do that by pinching.

Michael Edwards 4.5
App Developer | Content Creator

Excellent …ad situation is not overwhelming like other apps and not too intrusive. Appreciate that ads are shown after closing a document and not at the onset….also in case there is low internet connectivity, files are still accessible instead of waiting for the ad to load up.